
How to get the most out of online training


For the summary of this article, scroll down to the second to last paragraph.

Online training requires a lot of self-motivation.

Today, you’re gonna learn eight disciplines that… build muscle, burn body fat in 30 days or less.

And help you get the most out of your training and nutrition program.

Let’s dive into them…

Discipline #1: Track Protein

Aside from building muscle…consuming enough protein also eliminates the possibility of muscle loss and keeps you full though out the day.

People who follow a strict training program should consume .8-1 gram per pound of thier “ideal” body weight.

If you’re just starting out and have a lot of weight to lose, consume a decent size (4-6 oz) of protein with each meal.

Discipline #2: Track Carbs

You need to focus on two key concepts when it comes to carbs, what kind and how many.

Stick with clean carbs that are minimally processed and have sufficient amounts of fiber.

Examples are…

  • rice (any kind)

  • potatoes (any kind)

  • whole fruits (any kind)

  • whole grains (oats)

High, Medium and Low-carb days can keep your body guessing.

It keeps your body adapting to different amounts of carbs that will insure consistent fat loss.

A general rule for this is as follows…

  • Low-Carb Day = 50 grams per day

  • Medium-Carb Day = 100 grams per day

  • High-Carb Day = 150+ per day

I’ve included a few examples below to help you get an idea…

Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 4.50.53 PM.png

Discipline #3: Break 3 meals into 5-6

Every time you eat (big or small, carbs or no carbs) insulin is released.

Carbohydrates just release the most insulin out of the three macros.

Consuming five or six smaller meals every 2-3 hours will release less insulin than three large ones.

If you have a low carb tolerance or have a hard time keeping body fat low, keep this in mind.

Discipline #4: Keep Hydrated

Staying hydrated is gonna keep you feeling fuller longer just as protein.

Getting enough water will also help with better digestion, joint health and stronger muscle contractions.

Your goal for daily water consumption is 1/2 or 1 gallon a day.

Discipline #5: Weight Train 3-4 Days a Week

This is assuming you already understand the importance of good form and progressive overload.

Here are seven tips to an effective strength training program…

  • Weight train 3-4 days per week

  • 3-4 exercises per workout

  • 2-3 sets per exercise

  • 8-12 reps per set

  • Using at least 60% of one rep max (See chart below)

  • For weight loss, rest 45-60 seconds between sets. For weight gain, 3-5 minutes

  • Don’t workout past 45 minutes

    How to Determine your One Rep Max (1RM)
    95% 1RM = 2 reps
    90% 1RM = 4 reps
    85% 1RM = 6 reps
    80% 1RM = 8 reps
    75% 1RM = 10 reps
    70% 1RM = 12 reps
    65% 1RM = 14 reps
    60% 1RM = 16 reps

Less is more when it comes to weight training.

Following this protocol creates a healthy balance of intensity and rest.

Doing more than this can put yourself at risk for over-training.

Discipline #6: Cardio

When it comes to cardio, I suggest most people do…
Low-Intensity / 30-60 minutes / 3-5 days per week

You can do this by biking or just going outside for a walk. If it’s too cold outside, use a treadmill.

If you’re more advanced, you can do…
High-Intensity / 10-20 minutes / 1-2 days per week

Some examples include:

  • Punching the heavy bag

  • Jumping rope

  • 10 second sprints

  • Box jumps

  • Stadium stairs

Doing high intensity cardio more than 2 days per week can put you at risk for muscle loss.

Discipline #7: Sleep

You must prioritize sleep if you wanna get the most out of your program.

You’ll risk wasting all your time and efforts if you fail to do so.

Here’s three things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep…

  1. Cut back on caffeine

    When I cut back on coffee, I notice I dream more. And when you dream, it’s proof that you’re getting the highest quality sleep possible (REM sleep). You might not realize it, but caffeine stays in your system a lot longer than you think. I suggest not drinking coffee or any caffeinated drinks after 12:00PM.

  2. Supplement with Melatonin

    You can supplement with a low dose (3mg) of melatonin before you go to bed. This will help normalize your circadian rhythm causing you to fall asleep at the time you want to go to bed.

  3. Limit your phone use in the evening

    The blue light from your smart phone/TV can trick your mind into thinking it’s still day light.

    You can dim the light on your phone or wear special glasses if you choose. The best way is to just not use your phone as much at night.

Discipline #8: Reward yourself

This discipline applies to everyone but mostly those who want to lose weight.

If you’ve worked hard in and out of the gym all week, you deserve a cheat meal. NOT A CHEAT DAY!!!

This will kick whatever you’ve been craving all week. And shock your body by giving it something completely different and out of routine.

It’ll also cause an increase in metabolism and will get you back to losing weight again.

Just be sure to jump right back into eating healthy right after.

One cheat meal out of 35 healthy meals in a week won’t ruin your progress.

The 8 Disciplines to Increasing Muscle and Decreasing Body Fat

1. Consume .8-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily.

2. Follow a low, medium and high-carb protocol.

3. Consume 5-6 small meals per day instead of 3 large ones.

4. Drink .5-1 gallon of water per day.

5. Weight train 3-4 days per week.

6. Do low-intensity cardio (30-60 minutes) 3-5 days per week

and/or high-intensity cardio (10-20 minute) 1-2 days per week.

7. Improve your sleep by…

  • Cutting back on caffeine

  • Supplementing with Melatonin

  • Limiting electronic use in the evening.

8. Reward yourself with 1 cheat meal per week.

What comes with Online Training?

  • Customized Weight Training Program
    The only thing this article doesn’t cover is the types of exercises you should do.
    Based on your goals and the deadline to accomplish them, I’ll structure a program with the most ideal exercises for you and your unique situation.

  • Customized Nutrition Plan
    I’ll give you a shopping list of all the foods you can eat. Depending on your goals and when you want to achieve them, you’ll follow a strict diet protocol for up to 3 months.

  • Accountability
    To hold you accountable, you’ll have two 30 minute FaceTime sessions a month or bi-weekly with me.

    You’ll also have my email support Monday-Friday from 9AM-5:00PM EST.

Online Personal Training is $599.97 for 3 months

or $199.97 /Mo.

P.S - If you want me to write up your training and nutrition program, shoot me an email at or visit the “TBD Store” page to sign up for Online Training.