
Five inexpensive items every home gym needs

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Looking to start your own home gym on a budget?

Don’t have the room to store everything?

Here’s five items I use for my mobile personal training business that are inexpensive and conserve plenty of home space.

Go-Beast Mobile Pull-up/Dip Station

I wanted to start with the most essential piece to your home gym.

I’ve been using the Go-Beast for my mobile personal training business for three years now and it has helped my clients tremendously in building upper body and core strength.

It’s difficult to find exercises at home that can really hit those powerful BACK muscles. With the Go-Beast, if someone is’’t strong enough to do pull-ups, you can modify the Go-Beast so that you can perform the inverted row.

This is essentially a reverse push-up that strengthens all muscles in the back and arms.

It’s also great for those who have a hard time doing push-ups off the floor. If you flip the Go-Beast on one side, you can do push-ups at a 45 degree angle.

You can buy the Go-Beast and others like it on amazon and can look to spend $175-200.

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Gymnastics Rings

These are for more advanced individuals. But you’ll improve everything from a stronger core, and overall stregnth and endurance in all other body weight exercises with gymnastics rings.

Dumbbell and barbell exercises target the stabilizer muscles better that machines can.

So think of exercises on the rings as a free weight version of body weight exercises.

You can click here to buy the same gymnastic rings I use for my business on and can look to spend $30-50.

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TRX Suspension Trainer

These suspension straps have gained a lot of popularity over the last decade and for good reason.

The TRX Suspension Trainer allows you to do traditional body weight exercises but with more core activation.

You can do other body weight exercises with the TRX Suspension Trainer that you couldn’t do otherwise like the inverted row and assisted squat.

Click here to buy your TRX Trainer and other knock off brands on You can look to spend $150-250.

Slam Ball

Having some heavy to moderately heavy slam balls in you home gym will give you a unique way to build functional stregnth and power.

Most everyone knows about The Big Three when it comes to weight lifting (Barbell Bench Press/Deadlift/Squat).

These exercises are known as the pillars to over-all power and stregnth.

Although I don’t disagree with that statement, you can strengthen your core and overall strength with similar exercises like The Big Three with a slam ball.

What makes a slam ball unique is its durability. You can do all medicine ball exercises along with exercises like kneeling slams and wall ball tosses that target those powerful stregnth fibers.

So you don’t need a lot of barbell weight or a squat rack if you don’t have access to them.

I currently use a 15 and 30 pound slam ball for my mobile training business and paid about $1 per pound for both. These rates have changed since but you can look to spend anywhere between $35-55 for a 10, 15 or 20 pound ball.

You can buy them on by clicking here.

Plyometric Box

I invested in a 30/20/24 inch plyometric box for my business mainly for my senior clinets. It’s amazing to me how much this wood box has helped my clients in doing core strengthening yoga positions without getting on the floor.

If you’re someone who doesn’t have these issues, doing step-ups on a plyometric box can be a great substitute for squats by strengthening your legs and core.

For those really advanced, box jumps can be great for explosive power and high intensity aerobics.

You can look to spend anywhere from $110-150 for the box I have mentioned or $50-100 for one with smaller dimensions (12/14/16).

Click here to view options.

Thank you for reading!

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